Christian Aid Week 2020 – what happened

  It was obviously the strangest Christian Aid Week ever. I should now have banked all the monies raised, sent out thank you emails and analysed what was successful.

Instead I am just sat here hoping that that those in my local community & Churches have responded to the Christian Aid Week appeal. Not by giving at Church or via a  house to house collections or at Quiz Nights ,lunches and other events, but by phone or online.  I have no idea if this was a successful, as far as I am aware, Christian Aid don’t publish fundraising results by postcode. However, I am sure we did our share !

Word on the street is that nationally over £2 million was raised and that pre-Covid-19 it was hoped this would be over £7 million. People held virtual quiz nights, used e-envelopes and set at home challenges to raise money. Given we were in “Lockdown “ it was a great effort.

But the calls on Christian Aid continue to grow due to the impact of Covid-19 so every £ is vital. Support to Christian Aid partners to tackle the Covid-19 emergency is underway, across a variety of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean. This support will have to be for the long term as many economies are now very fragile and it is the poor who will suffer most. Debt also continues to be an issue with e.g. Sierra Leone spending more on debt repayment than on its health service.

To finish with a prayer:

  “Merciful God, thank you that you are not passive in relation to your world today. Thank you that you know what we need before we ask, and that you sometimes meet our needs without our asking. Help me to be active in the world like you are, and when it is hard work, help me to trust in your gracious provision


For any further information please contact :

Wilf Hardy

07823 406908