Leprosy Mission stamps

Over the years many of you have given me the stamps that you have saved from the post to be passed on to the Leprosy Mission. Their previous stamp specialist lived near Portsmouth so I had frequent opportunities to drop my stamps off at his house – thanks to his expertise and enthusiasm, over £70,000 could be raised for the Leprosy Mission in a year this way. Now that he has retired from this rôle, the charity asks for donations of stamps to be delivered to their offices in Peterborough which isn’t so convenient for me. However, in early October my travels took me that way and I was able to hand over a large quantity of stamps to Paul Holden at their office – Paul asked me to pass on his thanks to everyone who has contributed to this over the years.

Please keep the stamps coming unless you have a favourite cause to give them to; however I expect that in the future I will pass any stamps to a local charity rather than have them accumulate until my next trip to Peterborough!

