For my friends at ‘Sandhurst and Yateley’
Most of whom I’ve not seen lately
Others do weekly keep in touch
In my self-isolation, it means SO MUCH

So I’ve been asked to write a poem
While I’m stuck indoors, inside my home!


Will you stay in tune
For these three months of Spring
Through April and May till early June
Try daily to sing!

Go about under the trees
While the sun shines, find shade
Or when it is so cold as to freeze
Still praise God who has made
All the creatures and so many flowers
In their beauty and design.
Yes, let’s sing for several hours
Of God’s goodness so divine.


April’s opening buds declare
Spring decides which clothes to wear
Whether for rain or drizzle
Neither would wane or frizzle
While we welcome the sunshine fair!


At Easter, with Resurrection joy after grief
Buds echoing, burst into new leaf;
Cross of Jesus, empty now
As disciples we in worship bow;
Like Mary, we can hear him say:
“I am the Life, the Truth and the Way”!

John RollsĀ  (alias Jonquil)
April 2020

Apologies for the typo John.