The website of the Methodist Church

I was having a look at this website, and I’m impressed with it.

For example:

  • Did you know that this year is the 350th anniversary of Susanna Wesley’s birth?
  • There are suggested daily Bible readings for Bible study—not just the reading itself, but also teaching around it.
  • There is information on becoming a local preacher
  • They provide a ‘Prayer of the Day’ – on 17th February there were two—one from Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) and one from Vickie Middleton, Gnosall Methodist Chapel, Stafford Circuit
  • The Encounter Worldwide scheme which provides bursaries to young Methodists (18-25) to enable them to spend 3-12 months in mission work in another part of the world.

I do recommend having a look.
