Harvest Sunday 9 October 2022

After discussion with Sharon and the Stewarding Team – this year we are going to try something different from our Harvest Supper.  We appreciate that many folk would rather not come out on a dark autumn night and we didn’t have too many takers for last years’ Harvest Supper.  So, we have decided to have a Harvest Lunch this year, straight after the morning service.   It will be a bring-and-share lunch and there will be a list to put your names against on the hatch during refreshments.

Our Harvest Service on Sunday 9th October, will be led by Rev John Amankwatia – and so it will be great to have him lead our worship and join in fellowship after the service.

We hope this change will give more of the congregation the opportunity to join in fellowship and thanksgiving for Harvest.

Harvest gifts this year will go to Yateley’s Community Pantry.
