Local arrangement – Homeless Sunday – January 2019
We held our Local Arrangement on Sunday 27th January 2019 and chose the theme as ‘Homeless Sunday’. It was such a pleasure to welcome Carole from the A30 All-Night Café again and also her three friends Charlene (Charlie), Spyda and Andrew who all gave a very intimate and frank account of how they became homeless and what impact the All Night Café has had on their lives. The overwhelming theme throughout was love, how Carole was motivated by love to start the All Night Café and to continue it after three years, love of others who give their time to help at the Café and love of businesses who donate their food and groceries to the café. Carole had a 4 minute power point presentation to the song ‘Love is in the Air’ which kept all in the congregation captivated. We saw love in action in that presentation.
We had a retiring collection after the service and raised an unbelievable £270. We wrote out a cheque and gave Carole this, and she said she would cry all over again, as she was overwhelmed by the cheque for £520.93 which was raised at Christmas and presented to her during the service.
Thank you so much for your kindness, this money will go towards making a very big difference in the lives of those who have nothing to call their own.