Sandhurst Churches Together Ecumenical services

Every month SCT holds a service at one of the churches in Sandhurst. Each church takes its turn on a rota. They are not ever so well attended which is a real shame because they are wonderful times of praise, prayer and fellowship with others in our faith community. They are more informal and relaxed than our regular Sunday morning services but no less an act of worship.

It is our turn to host the next one which is on Sunday 13th October at 6.30pm.

The service will include a farewell to Revd. Catherine Vaughan who is moving to Lee Abbey, North Devon, to be their Chaplain. She has been vicar of St Georges, Owlsmoor for over nine years and will be sadly missed by them and by all those involved in SCT. In addition, Pat Rae who has been involved in SCT for more years than we can count, is stepping down due to health issues so we will be saying thank you to her – although not goodbye as we hope to still see her at the SCT services.

Please make every effort to come to this important service. If you need a lift, let Sharon know and we will do our best to organise one.