SYMC Church re-opens 13th September 2020

It was wonderful to meet each other in church after so many months of abandoning our weekly worship in church.  Some of us had communicated via Zoom for meetings or coffee mornings but it’s really not the same is it? We were allowed 30 people in the church and I think the number was actually spot on.

There were no handshakes, pats on the back or hugs when folk arrived.  Instead hands were sanitised and masks placed appropriately over our faces, shame it was difficult to see our smiles!  A register was taken and then a Steward showed everyone to their seats.

At the back of the church, the Multi-Media Team were getting the new cameras into position, alongside the new sound system.  It all looked very technical but the cameras will enable the recordings to be placed on YouTube to be viewed by those unable to attend church in person.

Our service started and it was great to have Sharon back in the pulpit rather than on the screen.    We were not permitted to sing the hymns and it was rather strange just looking at the words on the screen.  However humming along was allowed together with the tapping of our feet. It did enable us to meditate on the words of the hymns and worship the Lord with our hearts.

The service was shorter than usual and no refreshments were permitted after the service, which we all missed as it’s great to have a catch up over a cuppa.

At the end of the service the Stewards directed everyone to the exit to ensure we all kept our distance from one another, and then those leaving the church had a chance to speak to Sharon outside the church.

From 27th September 2020 we shall be holding our services in the church (except for 25th October).  We do have extra seats available in the crèche if more than 30 attend, so do come along and experience the new type of worship!  Our welcome is as warm and sincere as it was before the pandemic, it would be great to see you.
