Work party 27-29/8/19

The next Work Party Week commences on Tuesday, 27th through to Thursday, 29th August when we will be touching up paintwork, repairing and cleaning etc.   There is a lot of work needed outside with plenty of leaves that have built up and one or two dead trees that need cutting back.  We will have to work around some Hirers who continue to meet throughout August so I will have a list of what needs to be done and when we can have access.

We normally only work through to Thursday but this year we are not starting until Tuesday because of the Bank Holiday, so if anyone would like to do some work on the Friday please contact me.  There will be further touching up to be done once the new back door and toilet windows have been replaced the following week.

Please speak to me if you would like to help but cannot manage that week so we can allocate some of the jobs that can be done “as and when”.

Contact us on 01276-36631 or or