Christmas carols at The Meadows 2023
On Monday 11th December a very small group of folk from the Sandhurst Churches Together met to sing Christmas Carols at the Meadows. In fact, to start with we had no keyboard as John Castle’s car had a puncture and he had to use his wife’s car. This didn’t dampen our enthusiasm – we prayed together and started the service, all five of us singing at the top of our voices! Mike, the Youth worker from St Michaels handed out some quality sweets! and also lots of tracts and literature giving the real reason for Christmas and the Christian message of hope.
Our service consisted of a traditional nativity reading, followed by a prayer and then a Christmas Carol. Once John arrived he quickly set up his keyboard and then we had both music and a microphone. People were busy and not many stopped to listen but Mike was successful in handing out most of the sweets (only a few left from several tins), with us tucking into the rest! He had also successfully handed out all of the literature.
It was a very cold evening but I think we were warmly received, people smiled as they walked passed. All we can do is pray that they would be blessed by hearing the service, and the reading the material they received, and encouraged to think more that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. We’ll do it all again next year – maybe you would like to join us – just make sure you bring your gloves and hat!