Marriage blessing of Jonny and Seb – report

On Monday 18th April I had the privilege of conducting a marriage blessing for Jonny and Seb. They’d originally married just before they moved to Queen’s in Birmingham for Jonny to train as a minister but they hadn’t been able to have the church service they’d wanted. So it was wonderful to be able to conduct the blessing – and on such a glorious day as well. The service was well-attended by family and friends, including friends from church. It turned out their friends were all good singers so the church fairly reverberated to the hymns they had chosen. These included one I’d not come across before: Sacred the body God has created. It had some beautiful words.
Colin Garton read the first reading from the Song of Solomon 2: 8 – 17 and Ruth (Jonny’s sister) read from John’s gospel 2: 1 – 11: The Wedding in Cana. Maggy Garton led the prayers of intercession.
There was a point in the service when the minister places their hands on the couple’s heads to bless them and Jonny and Seb said they’d have to kneel as I was too short to reach otherwise (cheek!).

The service included Holy Communion and it was lovely to see Jonny and Seb, having first received the bread and wine, help distribute the elements to those in church.
It was a joyful service with lots of laughter (not always intended!) and we shared in refreshments afterwards which they had provided. Sadly, it will be the last time we see them for a while as they will be moving to Holt in Norfolk where Jonny takes up his first stationing. We wish them a fond farewell and every blessing for the future.