Messy Christmas and Christingle 2024

On Saturday 14th December, we welcomed 26 children plus daddies, mummies and nannas and grandads to our Messy Christmas/Christingle.  It wasn’t quite as loud as last year but it certainly looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.

There was a beautiful picture drawn by Heather that the children coloured in, and was subsequently displayed throughout Christmas in the church.  Sandra baked biscuits and the children, as always, made a bee-line to her table to decorate the biscuits and eat them!  Alison helped the children make their Christingles and Keg had wooden Christmas tree decorations for the children to colour.

There were golden crowns to decorate with crown jewels and various colouring and sticking crafts.   Sharon helped the children with more strenuous games and Wendy and Cynthia kept us all hydrated and tummies filled by doing the refreshments.

Once in the Church, the children had to help find the gold that the Wise Men had lost, and each coin was exchanged for a bar of chocolate or bag of Haribo sweets!  We had the Christmas story in the form of a Lego video, and thanks to Douglas for coming in to operate the multi-media.

It was getting dark and we lit our Christingles and sang a couple of carols.  After this everyone was ready to go home.  What fun – how exhausting – but really rewarding to see the same children coming back time and again, also with their siblings at our Messy Church craft sessions.

Roll on Easter for the next Messy Church!
